Implementasi Program Promosi Kesehatan untuk Mencegah KEK pada Ibu Hamil di Desa Arjangka
KEK, Ibu hamil, Edukasi GiziAbstract
Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) is a severe nutritional issue that affects the health of pregnant women and their fetuses worldwide, including in Indonesia. CED occurs when pregnant women do not receive adequate energy and protein intake over an extended period, impacting maternal health and pregnancy outcomes, such as the risk of low birth weight (LBW), stunting, and childbirth complications. In Indonesia, the prevalence of CED is 17.3%, significantly contributing to the high rates of stunting (21.6%) and low birth weight (6.2%). The province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) reports the highest prevalence of CED at 19.5%, while in Central Lombok regency, the figure reaches 21%. Nutrition counseling at the Pringgarata Health Center indicates that 15% of pregnant women experience CED, primarily due to an unbalanced diet and lack of nutritional knowledge. Through a nutrition education program involving community leaders and pregnant women, it is hoped that understanding of the importance of nutrition can be improved, thereby reducing the risk of CED. The methods applied in this community service successfully increased the knowledge of pregnant women about nutrition for preventing CED from 40% to 80%. These results highlight the need for ongoing interventions and practical approaches to address CED effectively
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